Tuition Fund-Lyla - 0 of 10 Shares Sponsored

Tuition Fund-Lyla

Place Guatemala

Philanthropy Initiative Tuition Sponsorship

Name Lyla

Grade 8th

Special Education Needs Lyla has intellectual disabilities, and she currently receives special education courses at the 8th grade level.

The Tuition Sponsorship covers the monthly tuition expenses for a child attending Colegio Los Gozosos, a school for children who require some extra assistance in their education. 

This child cannot gain access to special education he/she requires in the overly crowded Guatemalan public school system due to their disabilities.  This tuition not only covers expenses involved in their special education courses, but it also provides the child with speech therapy, occupational therapy, early stimulation (for younger children), a computer lab, and life skills - all things the child requires to care for him/herself as independently as possible.

You can choose as many sponsor shares as you would like.  All donations will contribute to providing a top-notch education to this well-deserving child!