Kimberly, 9 years old, came to Los Gozosos severely malnourished, weighing just 12 pounds. Through a generous donation, she was hospitalized for several months in a special program, which raised her weight to 24 pounds. Since then, she’s been getting her nutrition through a nasal tube, and her weight has increased to 50 pounds. Still underweight for her age, but improving daily.

 Her neurologist says she is healthy enough now to get a gastric tube, which can be done laparoscopically as soon as we have the funds. We believe this will greatly improve her ability to gain weight and her quality of life, plus it will be easier to feed her. (Having a tube in your nose all the time is not fun.)

 The cost ($1,000.00) is the only thing standing in the way of this life-changing surgery, that includes everything we need for Kimberly: the gastric button, the laparoscopic surgery, and the doctor’s fees.

 Thank you so much for all the love you pour out on our children. If you can help, please send your donation the link below and we will get the funds wired to Los Gozosos promptly!

Original Donation Link:



Father Joseph Cisetti
Kansas City, MO
Ann Holwick
Parkville, MO
Father Joseph Cisetti
Kansas City, MO